Last updated: April 8th, 2024

Welcome to our astro links page! We’ve put together a comprehensive list of resources related to astronomy and astrophotography that we’ve discovered while exploring the hobby. These are websites, YouTube channels, forums, tutorials, and more that we’ve found to be particularly helpful in our own journey, and we wanted to share them with you. Please note that we are not affiliated with any of these resources; we simply wanted to provide a centralized location for helpful links that we’ve found along the way.

If you come across any broken links or have a resource that you believe would benefit the community, please let us know and we will consider adding it. While we have done our best to ensure that all links are in working order, it’s possible that things may have changed since the time of posting. For ease of navigation, we’ve kept the descriptions below as brief as possible. We hope you find these resources as useful as we have!

Disclaimer: We do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy, safety, security, or virus-free status of any website linked to from this website. By clicking on any of the links provided, you assume all risk and responsibility for any damages or losses that may result. Use at your own risk.

Note: “Not secure” means website URL includes http and not https

..::Click the headers below to expand::..

Our YouTube Playlists
YouTube Channels
DIY (Projects/Build It Yourself)
Light Pollution
Outreach Resources
Visual Astronomy
